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Board Members

The Dallas Needlework & Textile Guild Board is charged with oversight of the activities of the DNTG. Officers and Committee members assume their duties in May.

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Executive Board

President: Marty Anderson   

Vice President: Elena Andrade 

Membership: Paige Guillory

Arrangements: Stacey Lundgren

Workshops: Jan Goss

Assistant Workshops: Lisa Thompson

Programs:  Dotty Rowan

Education: Karen Dittmar

Secretary: Vanessa Sandoval

Treasurer: Gail Manning

Region Rep: Jo Ann Jackson


Committee Chairman

Newsletter Editor:  Elena Andrade

Technology: Michelle Kocurek

Parliamentarian:  Randye Engeran

ReTreat Chairman: Judy McGraw

Sampler Group: Linda Cox

Plano Satellite: Robin Caraway

Charms Chairman: Dwana McKee

50th Anniversary: Paige Guillory

Current DNTG Board and Committee Members

Visit our Members Only web page for contact information.

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